Sunday, January 4, 2015

6 Tips for Getting and Staying Organized

Getting and Staying organized is one of the hardest things to do in life. I'm here to give you some tips on cleaning up, keeping track of things, and staying neat and tidy.

1. Go through everything in your room (including the closet), and decide what to keep and what not to keep.
This is the first thing that I did when I was purging my room. I started with my closet. I took EVERYTHING out and decided what was and wasn't trash. The clothes I didn't keep, I gave to Plato's Closet and the Goodwill. This gave me so much more room for my other clothes, purses, shoes, and art supplies. The next thing I did was go through all the papers and miscellaneous items in my room and made two separate piles: one for trash and the other for keeps. I didn't give these items to Goodwill or anything, I just through them in the trash. After doing all this, I was surprised at how much more airy and clean my room felt and looked. I felt like I could breathe more. This process alone made my room look much cleaner.

2. Give every item a certain place.
This step is key to having an organized room. If nothing has a certain place, things are bound to wander around and end up in places where you can't find them, or you will forget where you last put them. This leads me into the next tip.

3. Get in the habit of putting everything back where it belongs.
If you don't do this, your room will become just as junky as it first was the very next day. Like I said, things will end up in places where you can't find them or where they're not supposed to be, which makes life that much harder for you. By putting everything back where it goes when you're done using it, you are keeping your room organized and saving yourself from the trouble of trying to find something later.

4. Make/Buy a calendar.
Without a calendar, I don't know what I would do. My short term memory is terrible, so I tend to forget things A LOT. With a calendar, I can write down long term school assignments that are due, times and places for my basketball games, and important dates/events that I may have to remember. I made my calendar because I like arts and crafts.but you can opt to buy one if you don't have the time. Whichever way you chose, a calendar will definitely be helpful.

5. Use the notepad apps on your phone/tablet.
Personally, I don't use these apps a lot. The only thing I may use them for is for lists or something like that. Even in this way, it is still helpful. But some people use it to type in passwords so that they won't forget them, or maybe you can use it to jot down homework assignments or ideas for work or a project. The notepad apps are very helpful in many didn't ways depending on the individual.

6. Don't get lazy!
I know that saying these things is a totally different thing from actually doing them. Sometimes I have this moments when I'm like "Oh I'll put it up later". NO! Do it now!  If you procrastinate, then your room will end up staying messy and cluttered. I'm really bad at this when it comes to folding clothes (I hate folding clothes with a passion),but I know that it eventually had to get done. The thing you hate doing the most, always do it first so thar you can get it over with. Procrastination is the enemy!

I hope these tips were helpful! If you use them when organizing your room or any other room in the house, you will definitely have a clutter-free home. And besides, being in a clean, neat environment is just better on your mind and your soul. Not only does purging and organizing declutter your room, but it also declutters your brain. Thanks for reading, and I hope you find these tools useful!

Peace and Love,
~Genesis J.

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